Carpenter's Builders, Inc.

Bringing Comfort and Healing to the Lives of the Incarcerated & their Families.

  • Teach God's Word to the incarcerated.
  • Counsel the down trodden with Biblical advice.
  • Distribute religious reading materials, Bible studies and Bibles.
  • God' Word commands us to minister to hose in prison:
    • Matt. 25:34-36 I was in prison and you came to visit me.
    • 1Timothy 2:3-4 This is good and pleases God, who wants all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.

It is up to all of us to take the message of the saving grace and promise of a new life in Christ to those who are lost and suffering. Inmates must pay their debt to society according to the laws of our land, but incarceration can become a time to reflect and change investing their time learning the Word of God and developing a relationship in Christ.

Chaplain Jim spends most of his time ministering to the needs of the inmates and conducts church services and Bible studies.

Carpenter's Builders, Inc.   P.O. Box 534   Youngwood, PA 15697   724-830-6072   412-855-3307