Carpenter's Builders, Inc.

Bringing Comfort and Healing to the Lives of the Incarcerated & their Families.

Chaplain James Badamo with Wife Kathy

In 1997, the Lord opened door for the Chaplain to go into the prison as a volunteer pastor. Because of his faithful service, the Chaplain became volunteer, assistant Chaplain in 2002.

In 2005, the Westmoreland County Prison Board appointed the fulltime, volunteer Chaplain. Trusting in God to supply the funds from the local churches, to support the Chaplaincy, he gave up his construction company and filed to open Carpenter's Builders, Inc., a 501 3C Corporation. After 5 years, no donations came in to the support the Chaplain's salary. Discouragement did not effect Jim's hope, faith and his God given desire to serve the Lord in the prison.

By 2010, Carpenter's Builders, Inc., Board approved a monthly salary of $500.00, to support the Chaplain's salary. The Chaplain's expenses would continue to be paid by him.

The Chaplain continued to serve as he was called, preaching and teaching 5-7 church services and bible studies.

He continued his education, certifications, and began to serve on the Pennsylvania Prison Chaplains Association (PPCA).

Today, Chaplain Jim is the 2014-2016 Vice President of the PPCA In January of 2013, until the Greensburg State Prison closed in June, 2013, Chaplain Jim simultaneously worked as Protestant Chaplain and then Facility Chaplain, along with his Chaplaincy role at Westmoreland County Prison. At the State Prison, Chaplain Jim had the honor of baptizing 21 inmates prior to the prison's closing.

He worked faithfully closing out the religious programs at the State, as well as assisting the inmates during the transition of their move.

Carpenter's Builders, Inc.   P.O. Box 534   Youngwood, PA 15697   724-830-6072   412-855-3307